Home Town, Season Three: The Burcham House
There’s an old adage that says, “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.” The same is true for this week’s Home Town homeowners, June & Terry Burcham.
Terry says, “I actually lived in Downtown Laurel on 5th Avenue when I was at Jones County Junior College. It made me fall in love with this area even then.”
But for June, she couldn’t get away from Mississippi fast enough.
“When Terry and I got married, we moved to North Carolina for career opportunities. It’s funny though. You never outgrow missing your momma and daddy. So, after awhile we made our way back home.”
June and Terry moved back to Meridian for awhile and found themselves still searching for their forever home. With life’s unexpected turns, they moved again to Hot Springs, Arkansas and then to Texas, where they began a family and laid down roots for awhile. Their college-aged children are still there now, and like any pair of parents, they miss them endlessly.
“We have two kids in Texas now that are 20 and 21. Both go to Sam Houston State, but we’re both hoping they’ll come to Mississippi and fall in love with it here. Laurel has become such a charming and quaint place for them to come home to. We love showing them all that has happened since their last visit.”
While their kids are seven hours away, the drive is still doable for June and Terry. And, nothing can stop their fun weekend trips! While the kids are away, they have plenty of fun things to do in their new hometown.