#499 Sunshine.
After breakfast on the balcony in the cool breeze, Saturday was spent laying in the sand and soaking up the sunshine. All the teachers wept with joy for a weekend without stress or worrying about grades, and I focused really hard on eliminating any weird tan lines so I’ll look nice in my bridesmaid dress come June 25. After lunch, we were too lazy to go to the beach again so we just made a few steps to the pool and took a long nap before a little shopping trip.
For dinner we decided to wash our hair and put on real clothes for dinner at Cobalt, a really great new seafood restaurant below the Perdido Pass bridge:
This is possibly the worst, but it’s also when we were in junior high and had no idea how to wear makeup right. We were talking about this picture tonight and Hope remembered the sweater I was wearing and where it came from (Delia*s!). This is why she is my friend—to remember the things I’ve forgotten about my life. She forgets NOTHING.

Then it was on to the super cool Hangout in Gulf Shores for some after-dinner fun.

There was another bachelorette party goin’ on, but they didn’t have half the class that our operation did:

We laughed in the face of their specially made ‘TEAM BRIDE’ t-shirts. Boom.
Then it was back to the condo where we put on our t-shirts and stretchy pants and curled up on the couches with quilts and watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding (which just happened to be on TNT. How do you like that for serendipity?) We all fell asleep halfway in, but that’s okay too. I was distinctly aware of how wonderful it is for girls to have each other, to watch romantic comedies together, and to laugh together.

Oh John Corbett. You so cute.