#240 A very good Saturday.
Lately, I’ve just had so many good and sweet things happening in our life and on those days I have to talk about more than one good thing. We ended up spending last night in Picayune at Emily’s parents’ gorgeous, sprawling house out in the country and it turned out to be a real treat for us both. We slept in Emily’s old room that had 2 of the most comfortable little beds on earth, pillow-tops piled with down comforters and crisp sheets. The AC was set way down low, and the rain lasted through the night and into the afternoon today. We believe in the staycation.

We woke up and had breakfast with Josh, Em and her parents in a kitchen that made me feel like I was in a Pottery Barn set. Dreamy.

Josh at 9 am with a Rock-A-Doodle swoop.
After a lazy and fun morning, we said goodbye and got in the car for the 2 hour drive home. By the time we were back home, the rain stopped for a while and the air was cool. Perfect weather to open up the windows and feel fall on its way.

I swear I took this photo sitting in the car in the grocery parking lot. Swear.
Tonight, we went to my parents for my birthday cookout — Daddy’s most delectable famous ribs. I never thought they could be better than the last time, every time.

In his Ole Miss gear, forever waiting for game day.

College football is just around the corner and he is absolutely sick with anticipation. Every day since January he’s been keeping count of the days until Ole Miss kicks off. 6 days from now, he’ll finally get his fix.