#2,645 The Last Normal Day.
I spent the day at the Mercantile with Mallorie and Emily, doing all we could to get the last kinks worked out in our brand new website before we gave the developers the greenlight to flip the switch. And now, here she is, our brand new online home. Soon, this journal will get a little makeover to go along with it, but for a little while it’ll stay the way it’s been. I’m excited to see it return to its old name that some of you longtime readers will remember: Make Something Good Today. But for now, there is this, and we’re all very proud to see it lifting off. Click here to see it!
Aside from the launch, it was a normal day. A day much like all the years I spent at my desk designing stationery, or a website, playing with letterforms and photographs, making them tell a story. We worked very late, the entire Mercantile team, and we said “Goodnight!” without saying it, the thing that’s on all of our minds. Today was the last normal day. Tomorrow, we’ll set out on a great adventure.
The Episcopal church near our house leaves their doors open at night for people who want to pray, and as it happens, Ben and I often find ourselves there late at night when life gets us feeling unsteady or on the verge of something we can’t yet see. I will never forget the night we went there to pray together with our dearest friends. That was at the beginning of all this, of a possible TV show, of leaving the safe plan we’d known for so long, of daring to follow God’s leading, to go to the new place He was calling us to.
So tonight we went down the street to the church to be near to Him, to do the only thing we know to do to prepare for this beautiful, terrifying, wonderful thing that’s ahead of us.
I took my time talking to God, and I felt the warmth of assurance and love washing over me. We left it there, in two little flames, burning alone in a chapel.
Ben held me close on the walk home, and I was grateful to have him to share this with. I could never do this alone.
Today was the last normal day. Tomorrow, we’ll set out on a great adventure.