#2,368 Locals.
We’ve been talking a lot lately about how grateful we are because our show weaves all of our nearest and dearest friends and local shops into every episode, and our fun and gracious crew treats these folks who mean so much to us like rock stars. This morning, Mallorie and I filmed some shopping scenes at Frames Unlimited, which belongs to Mrs. Beth, a long-time friend of my mama’s. I hope that’s the thing that resonates with y’all when you see the episodes next year—that these sweet people could be the ones you know and love in your town too, the feeling of familiarity with the stores and the folks who own them.
After that we spent the afternoon with the good people of the Laurel Veteran’s Memorial Museum to glean some WWII history for one of the homes we’re renovating. They gave us free museum hats.
One of the museum directors is Mr. Jimmy Bass, best known as everyone’s school day photographer all of our growing up years and also… Lance Bass’s grandfather. It’s a tiny world, isn’t it?
When we got back to the production office, 4 new moving vans were there… BECAUSE OUR FIRST 3 REVEALS OF SEASON 1 ARE UPON US! AHHHH!
Next week’s posting will be very sparse as we’re working around the clock to finish these beautiful homes and get them ready for their forever families. Hooray!