#2,192 Clark Christmas Eve Eve + Dress.
As we always do the week of Christmas, mama’s side of the family came to her house for a big lunch and some gift giving. She made her famous gumbo even though it’s 80 degrees outside because IT IS FESTIVE AND WE ARE DOING IT.
“Look, y’all don’t let me burn this bread! Someone keep an eye on it!”
John Walker slowed down JUST long enough for me to snap one picture of him and his trail mix. Doesn’t he look big enough for kindergarten already? I’m just gonna go cry about it, hold please.
My cousin’s little ones Lauren and Reagan came along with aunt Charlotte since we never get to see them up in Jackson:
Mae Mae got a new purse with birds on it, which is the absolute essence of Mae Mae as a purse. She’s pretty crazy about birds, and I’m REALLY crazy about her.
Just one more day!
When we got home, there was a big package on the doorstep with my name on it… I opened it up and found the most beautiful dress inside. It reminded me of something Mel Gibson’s wife would wear in Forever Young.

Do you remember that (awesome) movie? Anyway, this is a dress Lindsey texted me a few days ago that she said looked like something I would love. And I did love it. I loved it so much. I never imagined she would actually send it to me for Christmas. God put some of the absolute most giving, thoughtful, loving people in my life and I am endlessly thankful. I don’t know how to repay it.