#2,116 Mrs. Dot + Small Group Hangout.
Several years ago, daddy met Ms. Dot through an elderly former patient whom she was taking care of following a surgery. Her incredibly sweet spirit and kindness toward this woman made her unforgettable, and he got her phone number for the future. A while later, he gave her a call to see if she might be interested in helping care for Mammaw who was still very independent, but it wasn’t exactly safe for her to be alone all the time. From the first day Ms. Dot knocked on Mammaw’s door, she’s been like family to us all. She’s celebrated babies being born, milestones and disappointments, she held Mammaw’s hand through brutal illnesses if we couldn’t be there 24 hours a day. She’s a saint, if you ask me. When Mammaw went to her nursing home we all felt so heartbroken at the prospect of losing Ms. Dot. It only took a few days to realize she was an answered prayer for Jim and Mallorie who’ve struggled with finding someone to watch Lucy two days a week. I sometimes get to go over and visit with she, mama, Lucy and Walker and today was one of those days.
She still goes to spend time with Mammaw on Saturdays at the rest home. I love this lady so much.
And these two cuties took turns sliding over and over and over and over and over and it never got old. They’re learning how to share and be kind and it’s kind of a miracle to see it happen. Isn’t it wild to see babies turn into little growny people?
And tonight at church we got to our class and realized Paul and Rebecca, our study leaders, were in the pumpkin patch with the kids watching Charlie Brown… But we didn’t go home, we just sat in the quiet room and hung out for an hour, talking about everything (mostly this, weirdly), eating homemade caramel pecan cookies.
Sometimes a hang out night is the very thing.