#1,808 The Tree + The Egg Bowl.
First of all.
Ole Miss beat Mississippi State in the Egg Bowl today.
It was the best game they played all season, and we didn’t leave at halftime like I was fully expecting because we were holding our breaths through the last minute of the game (don’t look at our score in last week’s game). In fact, we were all enthralled in such a way that these were the only 3 photos I took of the whole thing.
It was kind of unbelievable. Daddy was, as you can imagine, elated.
And now, it’s Advent and the worst then best year ever is almost over. I’m not ready!
Well, I’m not, but our house is. We spent the morning finishing up the decorations. Like Stockbridge:
Not surprisingly, I’m in love with this tiny glass Big Ben the lumberjack that Southern Antiques sells. It’s going to be my favorite forever and ever amen.
And 1 hour after this photo was taken, the tree decided to flop over on the floor and smash ornaments all the way to the far corners of the dining room.
Very fortunately, we didn’t lose a single of our special ornaments from our trips and travels, just the plain red and green glass balls which ain’t no thang. But man, y’all. It made an awful mess. Water, needles and glass will be turning up for several weeks more I suspect. But it’s like Ben said, “If this is the worst thing that happens today—it was a fantastic day.”