#1,692 Design Sponge + Book Talk.
So, our house was on Design Sponge today which is kind of a dream.
Click here to see the full house tour, finally!
Which makes me wonder if any of you reading this are here because of it, which makes me wonder what new friendships will come from this? That’s so exciting, isn’t it?
There was this other thing… I also got a phone call today at work from Kim, a really lovely literary agent in New York, who’s interested in pursuing a possible book deal with Ben and I. We’re going to begin working together on some ideas for this book, a proposal, that she can present to publishers. What will this book be about exactly? Design, home, life, love, faith? That is yet to be determined. Is this real life?
So please tell me. Why do you read Make Something Good Today? What posts do you remember and like the most? I need your help!
Say a prayer for us, if you think of it? It’s a wild and weird week, friends, with lots of twists and turns ahead.